January 24, 2025

30 Cool Travel Quotes in Spanish

30 Cool Travel Quotes in Spanish

If you are thinking about traveling to Spain, you should bear in mind that what is Spain known for is the richness of its vocabulary.

That’s why if you want to express yourself as locals do, this article is going to be really helpful!

Although we all know that practice makes perfect, you can impress your travel buddies by learning some cool travel quotes in Spanish before departing!

So do not hesitate about making the most of the useful sayings you will find here!

Cool Travel Quotes in Spanish

1. El mejor de los viajes es el próximo

Nowadays, traveling is one of the best ways to spend your free time. 

If you need some travel quotes in Spanish to express how much you are looking forward to going on a trip, you may say El mejor de los viajes es el próximo.

Its translation is ‘The best trip is the next one’ and it may be considered one of the best Spanish love quotes about traveling.

2. Viajamos para que la vida no se nos escape

Short travel quotes that may be appropriate when visiting some of the most beautiful places in Spain will remark the importance of this moment.

When you say Viajamos para que la vida no se nos escape, you mean ‘We travel so that life does not escape us’.

As you may notice, it highlights how visiting different places may make us feel alive.

3. El sentido de la vida es cruzar fronteras

Best travel words in Spanish will help you get the courage to travel all around the world.

If you are looking for these kinds of Instagram captions in Spanish, you may resort to El sentido de la vida es cruzar fronteras.

This beautiful Spanish quote simply means ‘The sense of life is to cross frontiers’

4. Viajamos para cambiar de ideas

Viajamos para cambiar de ideas is an easy travel quote in Spanish that means ‘We travel to change our minds’.

It especially suits far-away trips that will make you understand how other civilizations live.

When you are going on these kinds of long journeys, Spaniards are probably going to tell you Viaja seguro.

This expression means ‘travel safe’ in Spanish.

5. Tenemos todo un mundo por ver

Some romantic Spanish love quotes may also be considered catchy travel phrases in Spanish.

It is precisely what happens when you tell your couple Tenemos todo un mundo por ver.

This beautiful expression means ‘We have a whole world to see’ and it is one of the best motivational quotes in Spanish to keep planning adventurous trips together!

6. El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan solo leen una página

As you already should know, ‘safe travel’ in Spanish is Viaja seguro.

This expression is commonly said to your friends, that’s why it may be considered one of the best Spanish quotes about friendship and trips.

Another popular one is El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan solo leen una página, which can be translated as ‘The world is a book and those who do not travel only read a page’.

7. Viajando se fortalece el corazón

‘Good travel’ in Spanish is ¡Buen viaje! and it may be considered one of the most common travel phrases in Spanish as it can be said when traveling by car, train, boat, or plane.

If you are looking for some deep or funny Spanish quotes, you can say Viajando se fortalece el corazón because it means ‘Traveling strengthens the heart’.

8. Hay lugares en los que uno se queda y lugares que se quedan en uno

Continuing our list of deep Spanish travel quotes, we can’t miss Hay lugares en los que uno se queda y lugares que se quedan en uno.

These kinds of cool travel quotes in Spanish are suitable if you have visited a place that has changed you.

It can be translated as ‘There are places where one stays and places that stay in one’.

9. Vive la aventura de vivir tu vida como quieras

Cute or romantic Spanish phrases to refer to life and trips may be easily found on the Internet.

One of my favorite ones is Vive la aventura de vivir tu vida como quieras, whose meaning is ‘Live the adventure of living your life as you want’.

10. Tengo tantas ganas de viajar que ni viajando se me pasan

Cool travel quotes in Spanish to emphasize how much you enjoy traveling make people get your desire to keep doing it.

When you say Tengo tantas ganas de viajar que ni viajando se me pasan, some may think that this contradiction is some sort of Funny Spanish insults, nevertheless, nothing further from reality.

The meaning of this Spanish expression is ‘I want to travel so much that even doing so I still want to do it’.

11. Viajar es añadir vida a la vida

Spanish quotes for mum may refer to how much you appreciate her and all the trips she has planned to share some happy memories.

That’s why Spanish quotes about life and trips may show your gratitude to her.

Telling her Viajar es añadir vida a la vida, you mean ‘Traveling is adding life to life’.

And it is probably the best possible quote to say thanks to her for these unforgettable experiences.

12. Viajar es como amar, es un intento de transformar un sueño en realidad

Spanish love quotes that also refer to traveling may be heard in movies set in Spain.

One of the most poetic comparisons between love and trips is Viajar es como amar, es un intento de transformar un sueño en realidad.

The translation of this beautiful quote is ‘Traveling is like love, it is an attempt to transform a dream into reality’.

13. Los viajes cambian a las personas

What is Spain known for is the wide variety of kinds of trips you can make without leaving our country.

Here you can find beautiful beaches, deep forests, crowded cities, and small villages.

No matter which destination you choose, I am sure it will make an impact on you.

If you need some cute Spanish phrases to describe this fact, you may resort to Los viajes cambian a las personas.

It means ‘Trips change people’.

14. Hay demasiadas aventuras esperando a ser vividas

Some motivational Spanish quotes may refer to travel.

It is precisely what happens when you say Hay demasiadas aventuras esperando a ser vividas.

The translation of this expression is ‘There are too many adventures waiting to be lived’.

It is the best encouraging saying to keep discovering new countries.

15. Un maravilloso viaje de mil millas empieza con un solo paso

When you visit some of the most beautiful places in Spain, you may want to show how much you appreciate being there.

A deep quote by Lao Tzu to highlight how wonderful is to have started the journey is Un maravilloso viaje de mil millas empieza con un solo paso.

It can be translated as ‘A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step’.

16. No guardes rencores, mejor guarda dinero para viajar

Funny Spanish quotes about traveling are quite common in our language.

If you have angry friends that waste their energy getting mad about everything, you can tell them No guardes rencores, mejor guarda dinero para viajar.

The translation of this expression is ‘Don’t hold grudges, you better save money for travel’.

17. Ojalá viajar pudiese pagarme las facturas

Ojalá viajar pudiese pagarme las facturas means ‘I wish traveling could pay my bills’ and it may be considered one of the most popular cool travel quotes in Spanish among teenagers.

As you may already know, young people usually want to have fun and forget about everything else, that’s why this quote may be the perfect Instagram caption in Spanish for them.

18. Viajar no te hará más guapo pero sí más feliz

Romantic Spanish love quotes may be kind sayings to cheer your friends up.

If you tell somebody Viajar no te hará más guapo pero sí más feliz, you mean ‘Traveling won’t make you more handsome but happier’.

And we all know that happiness makes people more attractive.

19. Viaja porque la vida es corta y el mundo enorme

Cool travel quotes in Spanish allow you to remark how important is to enjoy these kinds of experiences.

When you use the expression Viaja porque la vida es corta y el mundo enorme, you are saying ‘Travel because life is short and the world is huge’.

20. Lo que importa es el viaje, no el destino

Lo que importa es el viaje, no el destino is one of the best Spanish quotes about Friendship because it points out the value of sharing a journey with a friend.

These special words may work as great Instagram captions in Spanish to use when posting pictures of your trips with colleagues.

The translation of this expression is ‘What matters is the journey, not the destination’.

21. Sigue llenando la vida de razones por las que viajar

The expression Sigue llenando la vida de razones por las que viajar is one of the best Spanish travel quotes because it makes you bear in mind the importance of self-motivating you to keep discovering new places.

It can be translated as ‘Keep filling your life with reasons to travel’.

22. Colecciona experiencias, no cosas

Cool travel quotes in Spanish like Colecciona experiencias, no cosas have been are ideal slogans for marketing travel campaigns.

This one, in particular, is a very catchy saying that means ‘Collect experiences, not things’.

23. Viajar es lo único que compras y te hace más rico

On the top of my list of 30 cool travel quotes in Spanish, you will find the expression Viajar es lo único que compras y te hace más rico.

This quote points out the main advantage of visiting new places, that’s why it can be considered the best quote about traveling to tell to those friends who always complain about spending money on it.

It can be translated as ‘Traveling is the only thing you buy and makes you richer’.

24. Quien vive, ve mucho y quien viaja, ve más

There are more cool travel quotes in Spanish that will convince your friends to visit new places.

On of the most popular ones is Quien vive, ve mucho y quien viaja, ve más.

Its literal meaning in English is ‘Who lives, sees a lot and who travels, sees more’.

25. Viajamos para que la vida no se nos escape

When you look for motivational quotes in Spanish, you can realize that some of them refer to traveling experiences.

It is precisely what happens when you use Viajamos para que la vida no se nos escape, which means ‘We travel so that life does not escape us’.

26. El viaje importa, la compañía también

If you need some positive quotes in Spanish about friends travelling together, you may like El viaje importa, la compañia también.

The translation of this cute Spanish quote is ‘The journey matters, the company too’ and it can be the perfect Instagram caption in Spanish for your traveling pictures with friends.

27. Trabajar llena tus bolsillos y viajar tu alma

Sometimes you may feel like sad because you are spending a lot of time working; however, it can cheer you up to think that thanks to your effort you get the money that allows you to travel.

If you want to express this feeling with good Spanish quotes about life and trips, you may say Trabajar llena tus bolsillo y viajar tu alma.

This saying means ‘To work fills your pockets and to travel your soul’.

28. Viajo, luego existo

Descartes was the philosopher that popularized the quote Pienso, luego existo that means ‘I think, therefore I am’.

A version of this worldwide known slogan is Viajo, luego existo, whose translation is ‘I travel, then I exist’.

Do not hesitate about using this deep Spanish quote about traveling to let somebody know that you are a real culture vulture!

29. Viajar es enamorarse a cada paso

Romantic Spanish Phrases about traveling may seem a little bit cheesy to your friends, however, it’s always good to let others know how much you are enjoying these experiences.

Viajar es enamorarse a cada paso means ‘To travel is to fall  in love at every step you take’.

It is the perfect Spanish quote to remark your love for traveling.

30. El momento para viajar es ahora

Positive Quotes in Spanish are those that help you to remark the importance of every single moment of your life.

El momento para viajar es ahora simply means ‘The time to travel is now’.

It is our last but maybe the most important of our cool travel quotes in Spanish, don’t forget it!

After providing you with a comprehensive list of cool travel quotes in Spanish, unfortunately, this article is coming to its end.

Hoping you have enjoyed learning some of the best Spanish quotes about traveling, I just wish you will have the opportunity to use them in context when discovering amazing new places!

Buen viaje!

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